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Navigating the Break: A Guide to Combatting Loneliness

By ResidenceLifeAssistant 07 Dec 2023

University study breaks are intended to provide students a well-deserved rest from the strains of academia. However, for many people, this time can bring on feelings of loneliness, especially if they are away from home or without their usual support network. This blog will look at practical techniques for overcoming loneliness and making the most of your study break while also promoting friendships and well-being.

1. Study Circles

Loneliness is sometimes caused by isolation, and study breaks can be a good time to strengthen bonds with classmates. Consider joining or establishing a study group for your impending examinations. This not only provides a controlled atmosphere for learning, but also provides an opportunity to connect with peers, discuss ideas, and offer and receive support.

2. Hobbies and Clubs

Use your study break to find or participate in hobbies that interest you. Universities often have a number of clubs and organisations that appeal to a wide range of interests. Whether it's sports, arts, or unique hobbies, joining a club can introduce you to like-minded people, building friendships that extend beyond the academic sphere.

a person sitting in a chair

3. Ayo Technology !

In the digital age, there are countless methods to communicate with others, even if they are thousands of miles away. To stay in touch with friends and family, use video calls, messaging applications, and social media. Virtual gatherings can create a sense of community, which can help counteract feelings of isolation during study breaks.

4. Engaging with the local community

Giving back to the community is a rewarding way to spend your study vacation. Look into local volunteer opportunities or participate in community service projects. Not only does this benefit society, but it also introduces you to new people who share your ideals, giving you a sense of purpose and connection.

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5. It's just a web 

Attend any networking events or career fairs hosted by your university during study breaks. These events not only provide significant insight into your potential job, but also provide opportunity to network with professionals, alumni, and fellow students. Networking can lead to valuable relationships and possible mentorships.

6. Love Thyself 

Loneliness can often be caused by disregarding one's own well-being. Use your study break to participate in self-care activities. Whether it's reading a book, going for a walk, practising mindfulness, or exploring a creative outlet, prioritising self-care can enhance your mental and emotional condition, making it easier to connect with people.

a person sitting on a bench

While study breaks are necessary for academic refreshment, they also provide an opportunity to counteract loneliness by actively engaging with your environment and classmates. Joining study groups, attending campus activities, exploring hobbies, embracing technology, volunteering, practising self-care, and attending networking events can help you build a rewarding and socially enriching study break experience. Remember, the goal is to get out of your comfort zone, be open to new experiences, and create connections that go beyond the classroom.

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