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Best podcasts to listen to whilst Studying

By ResidenceLifeAssistant 14 Feb 2024

Listening to podcasts while studying can be a wonderful way to enrich your learning experience, offering insights, information, and inspiration across a multitude of subjects. Whether you're seeking to deepen your understanding of a particular field, explore new ideas, or simply find a soothing background narrative, there's likely a podcast out there that fits your needs. Here are some of the best podcasts to consider integrating into your study sessions, categorized to suit different tastes and study environments.

1. For Deep Focus: Ambient Soundscapes

  • Podcast: "Music for Programming"
    • Why It’s Great: Designed specifically to aid concentration, this podcast features a series of ambient, electronic soundscapes perfect for coding, writing, or any study session requiring deep focus.
  • Podcast: "Deep Energy Podcast"
    • Why It’s Great: Offering ambient music and soundscapes, this podcast is ideal for relaxation or deep study, providing a background that can help reduce stress and enhance concentration.

2. Educational & Informative: Broaden Your Knowledge

  • Podcast: "Stuff You Should Know"
    • Why It’s Great: Covering a wide range of topics, from science to history to pop culture, this podcast is perfect for curious minds looking to learn something new while studying.
  • Podcast: "TED Talks Daily"
    • Why It’s Great: Bringing the spirit of TED conferences to your ears, this podcast offers insightful talks on a plethora of subjects, ideal for sparking inspiration and learning in bite-sized segments.

3. Language Learning: Immersive Listening

  • Podcast: "Coffee Break Spanish" (or French, German, etc.)
    • Why It’s Great: Offering lessons in a casual, conversational format, this podcast series is perfect for those looking to brush up on a language while studying or working on other tasks.
  • Podcast: "Duolingo Spanish Podcast"
    • Why It’s Great: Featuring compelling true stories in easy-to-understand Spanish (with English narration), it’s a great way to practice listening skills and learn about diverse cultures.

4. Science and Tech Enthusiasts: Stay Updated

  • Podcast: "Science Vs"
    • Why It’s Great: Pitting facts against popular myths and misconceptions, this podcast is both entertaining and informative, perfect for those interested in the science behind current trends and news.
  • Podcast: "Reply All"
    • Why It’s Great: Focusing on modern life and technology, this podcast explores internet culture, tech phenomena, and more, making it ideal for tech-savvy learners.

5. Motivational: Boost Your Productivity

  • Podcast: "The Tim Ferriss Show"
    • Why It’s Great: Featuring interviews with high achievers from various fields, this podcast offers insights into productivity, creativity, and personal development.
  • Podcast: "How I Built This"
    • Why It’s Great: Sharing stories behind the people who created some of the world's best-known companies, it’s perfect for entrepreneurial spirits seeking motivation and business insights.

Tips for Podcast Listening While Studying:

  • Choose Wisely: Select podcasts that match your study intensity—ambient and instrumental for deep focus, educational for lighter tasks.
  • Volume Control: Keep the volume at a level where it enriches, rather than distracts, your study session.
  • Use as a Break: Consider listening to more engaging or detailed podcasts during breaks to refresh your mind.

Incorporating podcasts into your study routine can not only enhance your learning experience but also introduce you to new perspectives, ideas, and knowledge fields. With the vast array of options available, you're sure to find the perfect auditory backdrop to your study sessions.