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By ResidenceLifeAssistant 21 Nov 2022

Studying for Exams can be a very intensive period to any individual preparing for exams. This period usually involves series of study, research, asking questions, planning your time correctly and social engagement to relegate more time to your books and lesser time to your social networks.

It is recommended when preparing for exams to begin studying a few months earlier but in cases whereby, due to procrastination to study earlier for exams or by engaging in various activities over the week you have completely forgotten the exam you have scheduled for the week and leaving you with no choice but to grab all the information essential for the exams. (Cramming)

Cramming is a method whereby an individual usually under pressure is forced to shove a lot of information from their study materials into their short term memory within a short period of time for an upcoming exam usually in the next few days. Cramming just before an exam stores information in the short term memory and as such the information can be remembered just in time for the exams and expires after then, rendering the information useless afterward and adding nothing to the individual’s understanding of the concept. So rather than cramming at the last minute try studying bit by bit, like 30- 60 minute per session and resting after each session to give the brain some space to absorb what it had studied.

Being successful on any exam involves systematic preparation and utilisation of resources, these preparations built from the individual’s study pattern builds his/her confidence and dispels anxiety and uncertainty of the subject material. Talking about passing your exams, below are some study tips for exam time:

  1. Plan a reading schedule relatively ahead exam period:  I believe this is self explanatory. Draft a schedule and create study patterns that enables you commence study before exams begin. This study schedule will guide you to be able to complete your assignments on time and reduce destruction to it’s lowest form in accomplishing your goals.
  2. Discover your unique study technique: The problem most individuals face with difficulties remembering what they have studied after consistently studying throughout the past few weeks is lack of their own unique study technique. In discovering your unique study technique, these three factors need to be put into consideration: time, area and background music.

Time: know when you study best. It may be that you focus more in the morning than at evenings or vice versa.

Area: Know where you study best. Try several places to study in and around campus and discover which area works better for you.

Background music: The solitude of the library or your room may not suit your study technique perfectly. You can choose to study with some music on or in a shop with a background noise. Whatever suits you, go for it!

  1. Teach yourself: When you read material, try to explain it to yourself in your own words as if you are teaching yourself. Saying the material aloud will also help you retain more information and point out areas of confusion. Quizzing yourself is also a highly effective study technique in teaching yourself, so learn to serve yourself an honest quiz after having personal lessons with yourself.
  2. Engage in study groups: Find out what keeps you motivated. Study groups can help efficiently in this area. Schedule a meeting, plan with friends and you should all show up at a particular location to review the class material together, quiz one another, work on course exercises and ask essential questions among yourselves; you do not want to walk into the exam unprepared and oblivious of what to write down. Finally little treats should be encouraged among study group members as reward for goals achieved can help boost morale and motivation.
  3. Study smarter: Do not just read from your course materials, grab past questions on the subject material and read in other of relevance.
  4. Eat and Sleep properly: You’ll study better if you can take care of yourself: eat healthy meals, stay hydrated and get enough of sleep. 

The essence of studying properly for your exams is that it enables individuals learn how to manage competition and improves their knowledge as the mind is exercised to learn, study and understand. The more prepared candidates are, the more confident they become.