Posted 1 month ago
Mon 17 Feb, 2025 12:02 PM
Whether it's the dance moves, the music videos, the fashion KPOP has several aspects that make it unique. When it comes to the dance moves it comes with several benefits. Let's look through some of them now.
1. Meet New People
Meeting like minded people who have similar interests and passion is an amazing feeling. The ability to have a community of people from a variety of backgrounds who share those passions can be a great way to build healthy relationships. An added bonus from this is you learn to work in a team committed to perfecting choreography and putting on a show stopping performance.
Below we have an example of the Coventry University KPOP Society competing as a team:
Group performance
2. Confidence
Confidence is built over time the more you learn the moves and get comfortable. As a result of this consistent practice, it can push one to try even harder and start putting a lot more attention to detail into the accuracy of the movements, thus producing a better performance.
3. Self Expression
Self Expression, whether it be an expression of joy or sorrow, the feeling of letting everything go on the dance floor can be quite exhilarating
4. Exercise
Exercise, KPOP songs can sometimes be quite upbeat thus not only being a fun activity but an exercise which helps build cardiovascular system, strong bones and leg muscles. All the jumps, lifts, spins can do you good!
5. Build Mental Strength
Besides the physical exercise and increase in strength, you also build your mental strength. Learning dance routines, memorizing positions and moves can improve memory, concentration and coordination.
6. Fun
Fun, KPOP Dance is fun, it's exciting and can be an enjoyable activity. So whether you're dancing to The Feels or Fire just have fun with it, let your worries fly away and boost that serotonin.
BTS - Fire
7. Opportunity to learn new dance style
If you already have a dancing background, it could be an opportunity to explore another dance style and challenge yourself. Sometimes choreo can take almost 2hrs, maybe more to learn but the end product is worth it.