Health and Fitness at University

Posted 1 year ago

What is Health and Fitness?

While we have all heard about staying healthy and maintaining a fit lifestyle, what do those two words even mean? Health is a state of complete social, physical, and mental well-being. This involves every single system of the body and is only achieved by a lifestyle that supports health. Fitness, on the other hand, involves an activity that stimulates the systems of the body and maintains certain conditions of the body too.  These two words hold great power on what our body should be doing to be looked after and kept in check. 

a group of people in a room

What can you do to stay fit and healthy at university? 

Maintaining a 'fit and healthy' lifestyle at university may just be the most difficult thing you try. Not only do you have to deal with the workload the university hands out, but you also have to maintain your living space, cook, socialize, and god knows what else! Here are a few tips and tricks to help you out this semester to step into the world of health and fitness.

  1. Daily walks. Not only will you be getting your steps up, but you'll also be burning calories along the way. This is also a perfect way to relieve some stress and look after your mental health. 
  2. Going to the gym. I know it sounds basic but going to the gym and working out may just be the escape from work you need. Get a membership at any gym that's convenient for you and try it out. The gym community is the best! 
  3.  Meal prep! Not only does meal preparation at the start of the week save you a tonne of time it also allows you to prepare healthy meals that are nutritious and filling. 
  4. Set yourself fitness goals! Setting yourself goals that you can work towards during the week and achieve will help you stay on track to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 
  5. Be kind to yourself. Being fit and healthy isn't an easy journey and you're allowed to have down days and cheat days! It's okay, I promise. 
  6. Try and eat healthy. I don't mean just surviving on salad, I mean having a healthy and well-balanced meal that fills you. 
  7. Try to avoid drinking excess alcohol. Drinking on nights out is fun, but please pace yourself and limit how many times a week you drink. 
  8. Try to limit tobacco usage or limit smoking vapes. This is indigenous to your health and can cause complications with your throat, lungs, and various other body parts. 

Overall try and maintain a healthy as possible lifestyle that suits you! Don't forget to be kind to yourself and others who may be struggling with some life choices.