How to balance work and social life while at Uni

Posted 1 year ago

Balancing your life in university can be a daunting task

Balancing your academics and social life while in University can be a daunting task. One minute you're relaxing and having fun and the next you're rushing to complete a 2,000-word assignment before 6 PM. I think it's safe to say most of us have been there at one point or another. This means that you likely agree that feeling like time is passing too quickly, or feeling like there is no time to get anything done, is not very pleasant. With that in mind, here are some of the ways that you can keep the balance throughout the semester as you take on your courses. 

1. Order, Order, Order! 

 The most essential thing when balancing study and life is organisation.  The first thing you should do is create a detailed plan and try to be realistic as you do this. Being realistic means being honest about what you can and can't do. Don't set yourself with unlikely study slots or grant yourself too much study time. 

First, take into account the bigger picture and ask yourself questions like "When do I have big plans that cannot change?",  or "When are my exams or assignments due?". Look at your calendar and begin by marking the days you definitely will not be able to squeeze in study time. If your course has exams, plan your study schedule around these. 

Once that's done, you can then begin creating your weekly study schedule. Remember, be realistic. Don’t do things like plan a heavy study session in the evening when you have been in lectures all day. 

2. Consistency is Key  

It's one thing to make a plan. It's another to actually follow through with the plan because the hardest part about new routines is sticking to them. This is where you'll practice self-discipline which is a powerful skill that will help you in all aspects of your life. 

Obviously, things like family emergencies and social events pop up and you should give yourself a little room to breathe within your schedule. However, if you have missed too many planned study sessions it can turn into a mountain of undone work, so make sure that if you start falling behind, you are able to schedule catch-up sessions. before or after. 

3. Work Hard, Play Hard 

 Your mental and physical health is extremely important and needs to take priority, so you need to take time out for yourself! Don’t overdo it! This is not a reference to regular breaks during study sessions (although that is incredibly important as well) but to reserving days or periods of time, even if it's just 30 minutes, for yourself to unwind and relax. Lectures until 6 pm, getting to your room, and then studying until you go to sleep is not a healthy way of doing things. ‘You’ time is important so slot in time for that as well – this can make the world of difference.

4. Invest in relationships 

A lack of strong relationships increases the risk of premature death from all causes by 50%. That’s nearly as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. On the other hand, solid connections and social support can improve health and increase longevity. Make sure to spend your time nurturing relationships that matter to you. If you took the previous steps to unplug, then you’ll be able to give more attention to the people you spend your time with. 

We have reached the end of our list. We here at ResLife hope that these tips will help you to do everything it is you need to do while still having time to enjoy all the fun and experiences that university life has to offer.