#Dontbedaft: The personal safety series

Posted 6 years ago

We all want to be as safe as possible when out and about

Making a few small changes to how you keep safe could put your mind at ease. Here are just a few things you could consider:

Keep your stuff safe

Looking after your valuables when you're out is usually at the forefront of our minds, but it's just as important to keep things safe when you're in your flat. 

Cameron Diaz bad teacher gif

  • Lock your doors and windows, even if someone is in
  • Keep your laptop, car keys, phones and other valuables out of sight 
  • Register your things on Immobilise as this increases your chances of getting them back if they're lost or stolen
  • If you're all going out, use a timer or leave a light or radio on and draw the curtains to give the impression that someone's in 

Student Possessions insurance provided by Cover4Insurance is included within your rent in University-owned and managed accommodation. Not sure on your cover? Check it on their website

Nights out

After a few drinks, it's easy to forget about the dangers you could face on a night out. Follow these to keep yourself safe:

  • Keep an eye on your drink and don't accept drinks from strangers. If you do, go to the bar with them and order it yourself
  • Stick with your mates. You don't want to be left alone drunk and you wouldn't want your friends to be either
  • Always use a licenced taxi. Ring a reputable number that you're familiar with or make sure they have a Hackney Carriage logo
  • Avoid walking home after a night out. If you have to walk, always still to well-lit areas and don't take shortcuts
  • Know your limit and be aware of your surroundings at all times. You're much more vulnerable to thieves when drunk 
  • Don't carry loads of cash. Using your card is much safer and can be cancelled if stolen
  • Be aware of tailgaters in your residence. If you suspect someone has followed you in, contact security immediately. 

#Dontbedaft, keep safe!