Finding part-time work in Coventry

Posted 1 year ago

What do you need to do for most activities? Money!

Being a student means a lot of things; you are on your own and need to take care of yourself in all aspects: wear clean clothes, eat (cook and/or eat out), clean your space, and go out with friends...

What do you need to do for all these activities? Money! The solution for you is to save money from your parents and live on a tight budget or manage money wisely and get a part-time job. 

We've got you on this, there are many work options out there, and we bring some suggestions to you. 

The best option for you is university-related jobs if you are living close to the campus and especially if you like interacting with people. 

  • ResLife Assistant

Do you like creative and non-repetitive work? Interacting with people in student accomodation and having fun? If it sounds like an ideal job for you, keep an eye on our social media, so you don't miss the interviews for the role. You could also contact Futureworks if you are wondering about job opportunities. 

  • Student Ambassador

Another job related to university is being a Student Ambassador. This is working during open days and promoting the university in related events. Ideal for talkative students who are looking for occasional paid work. 

  • Any work on Indeed

Indeed is a good website when searching for a job. Jobs are ranging from being a warehouse worker to a barista or working in a restaurant. Post a CV on the site, or simply search for jobs in your area. Simple as that. 

  • Talent Team

Also, don't be afraid to reach out to Talent Team in the university for help with cover letters, CVs, or advice related to your career, such as preparation for interviews and searching for placements, internships, and jobs. 

  • Volunteering

You can always start off with free work-volunteering, which could be charity work or just doing something that you enjoy for free. It improves your CV and provides you with experience. 

a person standing in a garden

Good luck with your job applications and don't be afraid of rejections! Better to try than to regret not having applied.