My Favourite Study Spots

Posted 3 weeks ago

In The Accommodation

Hello my dearest readers, it has been a while! I’m back to talk about my study spots in my accommodation (though not limited to mine only). Finding the perfect study spot is key to staying productive and motivated. Whether you need absolute silence, a social atmosphere, or just a space with plenty of charging ports, your accommodation likely has a range of options. Here are my favourite study spots where I get the most work done!

My room

The desk in my room is my ultimate quiet space. When I need to focus without ANY distractions, my desk is my go-to. It’s quiet, I can personalise my setup, I have the whole desk for myself, and I can use my noise-cancelling headphones. The only downside? The bed is VERY tempting... guys, the amount of times I’ve convinced myself that studying in the bed would be a good idea, only to accidentally fall asleep? haha.. way too many!

study desk

My lovely study space!

Kitchen space

I know, it’s quite an unexpected choice, but for the last three years, my friends and I have been using the kitchen as a study space, and it works well for us! Well, except for the first hour when we end up yapping, doing karaoke, or doing Just Dance - but it’s fine, just a small warm-up. We make sure not to disturb our other flatmates, though I’m lucky because they’re out most of the day. It’s a great space for group study sessions since we have plenty of room and, of course, easy access to food - a very important component to keep me motivated.

a living room filled with furniture and a tv

The famous kitchen, where we gather for group sessions

A flatmate’s room

Studying in a flatmate’s room can be great for accountability and collaboration. We can quiz each other, discuss concepts, check each others work/give feedback, and stay focused together. Sometimes, it’s nice to have a change of scenery without completely leaving the accommodation. It’s also a good option when I need some social motivation but also don’t want too many people or the distraction of a common area.

A friend’s place

This one isn’t technically in my accommodation, but it’s still an accommodation! Sometimes, a change of environment can work wonders for concentration. Studying at a friend’s place, especially if they’re really motivated, keeps me accountable (or guilty, if I’m being completely honest with you) and makes the process more productive for me. Having someone else focused nearby creates a sense of pressure that actually helps me be more productive, yknow? Plus, taking breaks together is so much more fun than scrolling on TikTok by yourself!

Where do you love to study in your accommodation? Share your favourite spots and tips for staying productive on our social media Instagram: @reslife_covuni .