Posted 4 months ago
Thu 24 Oct, 2024 12:10 PM
As we head into the colder months, things can often seem a lot harder, and this is a time where motivation often lacks. During these times it is important to look after yourself as well as accessing resources if necessary. We have another blog with mental health resources so be sure to check this out if you are struggling and reach out if you are in need of help.
In this blog we will be discussing steps you can take to help yourself when you are struggling and also self-care tips that can be good on days of feeling down.
Self Help:
Below are some self-help tips which can be useful to help yourself:
Meditation- Meditation is a great way to clear your mind and is also proven to help with mental health as well as everyday wellness. This doesn’t have to be a huge task. Many meditations can take just 5 minutes of your day and can also be self lead. You can put some calming music on, take a comfortable seat and focus on your breathing and body. By doing this for just 5 minutes it can help to clear your mind and make you feel relaxed, this is especially good for when your mind is racing. There are also some great apps which can create a guided meditation. Calm and headspace are two well known apps that have lots of different meditations on as well as calming videos. There is also lots of these on YouTube too.
Exercise- Exercise is also a great way to help your mental health. This doesn’t always have to be something drastic such as going to the gym, although this can be great too. Something simple such as getting out and going for a short walk can really help get endorphins pumping around your body and help you to feel a lot better. Possibly also getting into a habit of this and using set days a week to go on a walk can also be great.
Journaling- This is another positive and helpful way to get your mind thinking more positively when your having a bad time. Creating a journal where you can get all your thoughts out and write them on paper is a great way to de stress. A good way to end your journal every day is to write down 3 things you are grateful for and this can be positive reassurance for yourself.
Reading or colouring- Both of these are a great way to distress and focus your mind elsewhere. A book is a great way to distract you from the outside world and also distract your mind. Try and choose a lighthearted positive book especially before bed, but these are a great way to distract you. Colouring can also be relaxing and help your mind focus on something else when it feels like its wandering. Why not treat yourself to some nice colouring pens and a colouring book.
Self Care:
As well as the above activities, below are some great ways to take care and look after yourself which is especially important during stressful times
Eat well- Eating nutritious, healthy meals can also help your mind as well as helping you to feel more motivated and give you energy. Cooking can also be fun, and you could create this into a come dine with me style with your friends or flatmates and see who can make the best healthy meal. Also having fruit as snacks can be a great little pick me up throughout the day.
Have a pamper night- Taking some time off your studies and having some time to relax is just as important. Why not set aside one night this week just for you? Put on your favourite show, eat a nice meal, make a nice hot drink and do a face mask. These little things can help you feel better and more focused when it does come round to doing your work again. You could paint your nails, create a new skin care routine and watch a movie with some snacks. You can have fun doing this and it is a budget friendly way of doing so.
Have a digital detox- Try and spend one evening per week without your phone. This may be hard at first but can really help clear your mind. Often social media can become negative as well as making your mind think about so many things at one time. By putting your phone down for one evening can help you have a cleanse and focus on what’s important. You can use this time to focus on yourself, read a book, do an activity and have an early night too.
Listen to a new podcast- There are several positive podcasts to get yourself feeling more motivated and into a good headspace. These can also help to distract you or can even be good background noise whilst your working. Some examples of positive podcasts are the Mel Robbins podcast, the joy factor podcast and the positive mindset podcast.
We hope this blog has helped you with some new tips on how to look after yourself and your mind. Remember it is also important to reach out and talk to others if you’re struggling as well as utilising the university resources as well.