How I Cope with Assignment Season

Posted 3 months ago

My No-Panic Strategy

Hello, my fellow blog readers! It’s almost that time of the year again (for some of us at least) when assignments and exams roll in and you just want to sit in a corner and cry. Well, worry not, because you’re not the only one. I mean, who actually likes doing assignments? It comes around like an unwelcome guest who insists on staying way too long. But, since avoiding them isn’t really an option, I’ve managed to figure out a way to get through it without pulling an all-nighter. It’s all about timing, and yes, a bit of strategic procrastination.

Here’s my approach to surviving during assignment season:

Start early...

LOL, I know, I know. "Start early," she says. Sounds like one of those things everyone says, but this is actually so smart guys. I don’t mean diving in as soon as the assignment is announced - that’s too early. I usually give myself a bit of time to mentally prepare (aka procrastinate) right after I get the assignment. But I don’t wait until the last minute either. Starting early enough gives me the flexibility to take it slow, build a plan, and keep my sanity.

Divide and conquer

When I do start the assignment, I try not to tackle everything at once. I’ll break down the tasks into smaller parts, then do my research, then draft, and then refine. Having these in smaller parts helps me feel like I’m making progress without having to do it all in one go and it feels more rewarding this way. Plus it gives me an excuse to get myself a treat more times... This way, I’m moving forward, but I’m not totally overwhelmed.

Plan for procrast- ehm.. a break?

Now that I’ve started and HAVE a draft, I make sure I give myself enough time to take breaks throughout the assignment process. Starting a bit early means I can plan for those breaks, whether that’s scrolling TikTok, hanging out with friends, or just lying on my bed contemplating life. Having this time set aside for "productive" procrastination is actually motivating - it gives me something to look forward to while I’m doing work. 

Treat breaks like rewards

Can you see where I’m going with this? I give myself "rewards" after each step. I might work for an hour, then take a snack break, watch an episode of something, or go out. It’s almost like a mini celebration for getting through each chunk. It makes me enjoy my break more because I know I have something, you know what I mean? Like I did work and I really deserve this break type of thing. It keeps me refreshed and makes the whole assignment process feel way less intense. 

Reality check

Another secret weapon? A reality check from my friends. This sounds slightly weird, but whenever I lose the motivation to do work I ask my classmates if they’re done with their assignments yet. Nine out of ten times, they’ll say they’re almost done. This is like a slap in the face, and it kicks my motivation into high gear. Nothing like a little friendly competition to get me back on track! The academic weapon in me comes the second it knows other people are close to finishing.

Wrap it up before the deadline

With this approach, I usually end up finishing like a few days before the actual deadline, however, I don’t submit until the day before. I like to take my time refining my work until the very last minute. And honestly, knowing that I’m done (or close to done) before the actual date feels amazing. No panic, no stress, just peace. In fact, I get that satisfying feeling of having time to spare.

Assignment season is not my favorite time of the year, but this approach makes it a lot more manageable. By starting a bit early, breaking things down, taking a break, I can get things done without feeling like my life is being taken over by assignments. I’m not saying you should do this method, but if you’re struggling yourself - trying won’t hurt, no?