How to Deal with Homesickness

Posted 1 year ago

Moving to University can be both exciting and scary

Carry on reading if you want to know how to deal with homesickness when you first move away from home.

a book shelf filled with books

Stay positive and don’t doubt your decisions

At first, it can be daunting moving away from home. You start to doubt everything. Did I make the right choice moving? Why don’t I just go back home and live closer to my friends and family?

All of these thoughts are normal to have, and if you feel that you need further support, your University will have many services that can help.

But we promise your feelings will change, and in time you will discover a stronger version of yourself. You are more capable than you first thought; prove to yourself that you can accomplish your goals and you will achieve amazing results.

Stay fit and healthy

Societies are a great way of getting involved in a variety of activities and making friends with those who have similar interests to you.

Keeping fit and healthy will also help with homesickness. Most Universities have a gym with high-quality equipment or if you work better in a group you can join a sports team - a great way to feel part of something!

©Jonathon Yau

a person standing next to a football ball

Explore, explore and keep exploring!

Take the opportunity to travel around the U.K. Train journeys are a great way to see the amazing picturesque landscapes across the country! Why not organise a trip and get people to tag along! 

While you’re exploring, don’t miss out on trying lovely food that's on offer in the place you are visiting. Whether you go up to Liverpool and try their famous 'scouse' dish or head to the British seaside and eat traditional fish and chips; either way you will truly experience the essence of the place you are visiting.

Home is where the heart is

Even if you aren’t in your hometown, you can still create a warm and friendly environment around you. Personalise your room as much as you can, have photos of your greatest memories with friends and family, decorate it with your favourite posters and make it your own little space to relax and get away from the noise. It’s always important to take out time for yourself.

Do not give up!

When we are feeling down, it can be natural for us to want to go home. However, it’s not always the best thing to keep going back.

You need time to adapt to your new home. Don’t be too hard on yourself if things don’t work out the way you want them to at the beginning, GIVE IT TIME.

Always remember, you came here for a reason, prove to yourself that you won’t be defeated that easily, finish what you started and you will feel you have accomplished something out of your comfort zone. Just remember – you’re doing great!