What I eat in a day

Posted 1 week ago

Breakfast, lunch & dinner (+ a snack of course)

Helloooo my curious readers!!

Being a student means balancing studies, social life, and food. I don’t know about you guys but for me, food usually gets the least effort. Some days I have the energy to meal-prep, and others? Toast. Those who know me, know that I’ve basically been surviving off of toast for the last 3 years I’ve been at university. There would be days I would ACTUALLY eat it 3 times a day. It usually depends on how rich I am for the month (how much I spend recklessly more like) but if I’m on the wealthier side, here’s a rundown of a typical day of eating as a student.


I can’t lie, I’m usually never up early enough to eat breakfast and even if I am, I usually skip breakfast. I know it’s the most important meal of the day but I just can’t. If I really have to, it’s either toast, cereal, or an apple. 

Sometimes I have coffee to make myself more awake.


By lunch I’m usually starving, as I didn’t eat breakfast, but I’m also too lazy to cook. If I’m on campus and have time, I just grab a meal deal or Greggs. On rougher months, I go back home and find anything I can and have that as lunch. I like keeping frozen dumplings on hand, so I can fry/boil them anytime. Or I buy frozen parathas and fry it up with eggs.


Between classes or anytime during the day, I need snacks. My go-to snack lately has been tangerines, can you imagine? But I always carry chocolate and crisps with me (Hula hoops) in case of emergencies.


This is the meal I try to put effort into (most of the time). If I do have the motivation - which is very rare - I’ll cook something simple, preferably, if I can do it all in one pot/pan. Pasta is the easiest to make. I usually make a huge batch of it and just have it sitting in the fridge, or I’ll make enough for me and my roommate. The other dish I make quite often is beef curry. On lazy days I just make instant noodles, frozen pizza or tuna sub.

I promise you it’s not always so bad. Some days I eat proper home cooked meals, and other days I just don’t feel like anything so it’s just a mix of toast and snacks but I try to cook loads, so don’t worry guys!

What’s your go-to student meal?