International Women’s Day

Posted 5 days ago

What it's all about and how you can celebrate

International Women’s Day takes place every year on March 8th. In this blog we will be discussing what the day is all about and how you can celebrate it!

March 8th is all about celebrating women’s achievements across the world as well as recognising the long fight women had for equality and recognising the progress of women’s rights as well as what still needs to be done.

Where it all began

International Women’s Day dates back to 1909 when the first National Women’s Day was celebrated in America. One year later the idea for an international day was given. It was then recognised by the United Nations in 1975 and people come together across the world to celebrate it as well as raise awareness.

What the day is all about

The main aim of the day is to educate and learn about inequalities towards women globally. It is a day for action and realising that there are still significant barriers that women face every day. Especially in countries such as Afghanistan where there is currently very strict laws on Women and they have very few rights. It is circumstances such as these that highlight the importance of recognising there is still a long way to go for women’s rights and important actions that need to be done across the world. In many countries, there are still high levels of violence against women. Including here in the UK where there are large levels of domestic abuse. It is important to recognise this and discuss what needs to be done to improve this and make the world a safer place for women.

a group of people posing for the camera

The theme for 2025

Each year for International Women’s Day there is a specific theme which the day centres around. 2025 is called accelerated action. This is where people are encouraged to take action to challenge and take steps to enhance inequality and injustice in their everyday lives and for individuals to take an active stance on standing up against key issues such as discrimination. It is so important to speak out as you can make a difference. It encourages governments to acknowledge key resources to impact equality and improve life for women.

Coventry University is committed to celebrating women and creating an inclusive learning environment. Take a look at this article from the university regarding celebrating women!

How you can celebrate

Here are some ways you can get involved this International Women’s Day:

- Spread the word: Raising awareness of the day is a great way to start. Start talking whilst at university, work, with friends and let others know the importance of the day.

- Have a girl's night: You could watch an inspirational movie about women, have meaningful conversations and just appreciate the women you have in your life and their great achievements.

- Educate yourself: Learn more, read more articles, learn about the history and things you can do to make a change.

- Attend an event: There are some great events celebrating the day such as a discussion for women in business by Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce. A Women Empower Communities event at Religions for peace. A themed bike ride by CTC Coventry.

I hope this blog has helped you with some key learning regarding international women’s day and you celebrate in whatever way you can.