Tips for Living with Roommates

Posted 1 day ago

Sharing a Space

Hi again! Today’s topic is "Living with roommates". Depending on who you end up with, living with roommates can be one of the most memorable parts of university life - for better or worse! Living with others requires patience, clear communication, and mutual respect. Here are some tips to help you not just survive, but thrive, while living with roommates.

1. Set clear rules early

To avoid any misunderstandings and uncomfortable confrontations, sit down with your roommates as soon as you move in to discuss the basics. This includes chores, guests coming over, noises, etc.

Extra tip: Create a cleaning schedule list and put it up the fridge. This helps everyone stay on the same page and prevents resentment from building up over unwashed dishes in the common area.

Keeping your shared spaces clean is also important - nobody wants a kitchen inspection to go badly and have ResLife involved!

2. Respect the rules

Once you’ve agreed on the rules, it’s crucial that everyone respects them. This means being mindful of each other’s boundaries and communicating your own.

For example, if you like to stay up late watching movies, or listening to music, make sure you’re not disturbing someone who goes to bed early. It’s all about compromise and mutual respect.

3. Address problems ASAP

If someone/something is bothering you, address it sooner than later. Approach your roomie calmly and kindly discuss any issues.

To make it less confrontational, use "I" instead of "you" - "I feel frustrated when the sink is full of dirty dishes" instead of "You never clean up after yourself!". Makes it sound less accusatory towards the other person, no?

4. Be clean

No one enjoys living in a messy environment. Keep your own space tidy and contribute to cleaning common areas regularly. Don’t leave dishes in the sink for days and wash them as soon as you can.

5. Share expenses fairly

This only applies if you share your household items, food, and other stuff. Money can often be a source of tension between roommates, so agree on how to split bills fairly and make sure everyone sticks to the plan.

Keep receipts and settle any shared bills right away, so there’s no awkward conversations later on.

6. Be considerate of noise

If you’re someone who likes to blast music or have friends over frequently, remember to check in with your roommates about noise levels. Likewise, if you’re the quiet type, let your roommates know if things get too loud (you’re all paying the same rent after all, no need to hesitate!).


This cannot be stressed enough: do not borrow, and definitely don’t take, your roommate’s things without asking - whether it’s food, kitchenware, or personal items. Even if you think they won’t mind, it’s always better to ask first. If your roommate is happy to share, great! But don’t assume it’s okay without permission.

8. Bond with your roommates

While respecting all these tips is crucial, it’s also nice to bond with your roommates. Building a friendly relationship can make living together more enjoyable. Plan movie nights, cook meals together, or just hang out in common spaces when you can.

It’s always easier to talk about problems with roommates if you have a good relationship with them.

Happy roommate living!

I know this blog may sound a bit intense or even negative, but trust me - it’s all for your own good! Setting all these rules at the beginning will (hopefully) save you a lot of headaches later on. By keeping these tips in mind, you should be able to avoid most of the common roommate issues and create a better living experience.

Good Luck!